Tom's Blog


What Gap?

Having recently turned 55, I am ever aware of the cultural gap that stands between someone my age and a twenty something. In a Saturday night service message I asked if anyone present had never heard of the beloved (by me) Waltons television show. I was stunned to learn that 30 to 40% of those in attendance had never heard of John Boy, Jim Bob, Marry Ellen, etc. It was then that I was reminded of two very important things;

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Who Are You

In this day and age of mobile professional sports franchises, (teams that have left one city for another), mascot names can really get off base. Los Angeles and Lakes do not have much in common. At least not as much as Minneapolis does, which was the original franchise home. Utah Jazz? Anything but. The Jazz should've stayed in New Orleans. New Orleans is now the Hornets by way of Charlotte who were replaced by the Bobcats. How about New Orleans Cats ... Hmmm. This translates over to football also. The Rams of Los Angeles replaced the Cardinals who now fly in Arizona. A Cardinal can't survive in Arizona. It's too hot! Baseball? ...

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The Secret Law of Attraction

In recent years a movement, of sorts, called "The Secret", espoused the doctrine of Attraction. With high profile people, led by Oprah Winfrey, singing it's praises, the followers aim was to attract success and successful people. Wealth, favor and it's like, were to be drawn to the devoted. Got me thinking about who is drawn or...

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Capital Campaign

As we begin this capital campaign it's important for us to realize there is much we can do to raise money to support God's work. But, our human ability is limited, so we cannot go into an endeavor such as this without the understanding that our Faith in Gods ability to do the supernatural, must never be compromised...

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You Are Important

The church is described by many metaphors in scripture. It is referred to as the flock, a vineyard, a temple, a family, a building, and most commonly, a body. That to me makes perfect sense, in that, Jesus is called the Head of the church. In 1 Corinthians 12:27, we are told that we are all Christ's body and each has a part of it. Verse 19 says "How strange a body would be if it only had one part." I have been in ministry for well over 28 years as a pastor. In all of that time, I've seen the importance of the whole body and the specific roles we all play. Can't imagine any attempt to do it on my own or even thinking that I could. ...

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