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Islam and the Believer

I guess it's time for me to weigh in on Osama Bin Laden, or more specifically Islam.

We are in a prophetic, historic season that the world has never seen. It's one that the church must recognize. Muslims today make up one-fifth of the population. Over one billion people claim the Muslim faith. It's the fastest growing religion in the world. 

-- We are not reaching them, they are reaching us.
-- What's going to happen in these end times?
-- Does God love Muslims, or are they an enemy of God? 
-- If they are enemies, will they be destroyed?
-- If He loves them, will they be saved? 

All of us have heard the word Jihad or "Holy War". The Quran, Islams holy book, declares;

"Believers, wage war against infidels (unbelievers) ... Let them find you rigorous. " - Qu-ran 9:124

...And yet, we in the western world, have accepted various "brands" of Islam as peaceful.

The Qu-ran does not make Jihad war against Christianity or Jews optional. Why bring Jihad up in a nice blog like this? Well, it's because we are in a war. Did you know that in Gen. 14, the first recorded war in the Bible, involved the Elamites (or Persians) who we know today as an Islamic Nation?

Isaiah 19:1
Did you know that in the account of the 2nd coming of Jesus to the earth, He comes against a Muslim nation in Egypt, whose Muslim symbols shake on tops of mosques at our Lord's presence?

Did you know that Islam's allah is the greatest war god history has ever known?

In every account in scripture of Christ's return to the earth, the battle is against a nation that today is Muslim.

Just what is at stake in this war? Simply, it's the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It's the grace of God on our lives. 

When it comes to Islam, we don't understand why Muslims are willing to die, to blow themselves up for what they believe. For them, satan has perverted God's grace.

Jihad, to a muslim, is a message of salvation. It's just the opposite of Grace. To die in the cause of allah, your salvation is assured. How sad, that in the Islamic faith, you have to atone for your own sins.

We have to tell them. They must know the grace of God. 

I Had lunch with a University student from Iran (Muslim). He could not grasp grace. Why? Because he couldn't understand God's love, he only knew him as a God of judgement. 

Listen, God is going to reach out in these last days to the Muslim world. We must recognize and respond to this first. Isaiah 11:10,11 shows God's heart for them. "It shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall set his hand a second time to recover his people who are left..." Then the scriptures tell us who those people are; nations that today are Muslim nations.

Revival is coming to the Muslim world! Will you be a part of it? It's all about Loving People to Life.


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    Oak Valley Church - Tom's Blog - Islam and the Believer

Reader Comments (1)

Excellent information and right on target. I think the most important word in this blog is "listen". The Holy Sprit is speaking and guiding us into "all truth". We must hear what the Spirit is saying to us in these endtime hours.

May 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSteve

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